Personalized occupational therapy focused on improving strength, motion, home set up and independence to get you back to a life you love.

We help you understand your injury, maintain your independence and reduce the risk of further complications.


Frustrated with your hands

Whether you hands feel “numb and tingly” or just aren’t listening to what you want them to do, we focus on improving this whenever possible and showing you alternative ways to be more independent. No more dropping your favorite cup of coffee in the morning!

Needing help adapting your home

At Neuro Connections, we focus on tailoring your environment to meet your unique needs, ensuring your living spaces and daily activities are adapted to enhance your independence and personal comfort. Through collaborative efforts, we aim to empower you with personalized strategies, assistive tools, and a supportive environment that aligns with your preferences and goals

Increasing independence for the tasks that are most important to you.

At Neuro Connections we want to focus on the tasks that are most important to you. You are an equal partner in your journey to recovery where we help guide you on the road to recovery. By having therapy in the comfort of your own home, we can better assess, train and adapt to fit your unique needs and goals.

We help you regain function, use your vision more effectively and adapt meaningful tasks so you can get back to living the life you love.

Our Process


Free Consultation

Each therapy plan is unique. We want to focus on what is most important to you. At Neuro Connections you are an equal partner in your treatment plan and goals.


We offer a free consultation to discuss your goals, challenge areas and determine if you are a good fit for our program.

Comprehensive Evaluation


Tailored Treatment Plan

Our comprehensive evaluation allows us to look specifically at your biggest challenges and determine a customized plan that fits your lifestyle and needs.


What are you waiting for?

We would be happy to set up a time to talk about your goals, concerns and how we can help.